Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Did I tell you about my friend Meredith?

She's moving to Chicago this fall (2011) to pursue her Masters in Writing and Publishing at Depaul University. I've already started looking at train fares to visit her within the month of her move. She is pretty great.
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I was actually right outside of her house the other night, going to get her to walk with me to Pita Pit (which turned into the best evening walk this spring, seriously we saw the coolest pink and blue sunset) and just before getting to her door I stopped, smiled and felt overwhelmed by how happy I was to have gotten so close to her. Sometimes it's difficult to really connect with someone naturally and I feel I've found a lifelong friend in Meredrift...(Meredith).

Brent - Senior Portraits

Previews of my Senior Portrait Session with Brent, graduating from El Reno High School. Brent made my job very easy with all of his great locations and ideas.
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